El Ultra Coahuila es una carrera a pie y de resistencia, con libertad de ritmo y se desarrolla en la Sierra de Arteaga, Coahuila, entre los 2,584 y 3,480 metros de altitud, teniendo como lugar sede unas de las zonas montañosas más bellas en el norte de México. Existen siete modalidades de distancias a competir: 163, 100, 83, 50, 30, 12 Kilómetros y Ultra Kids.
We communicate the schedule for Ultra Coahuila 2022. See it online or download the file.
Ask about the different kinds of rooms, cabins and prices. We are sure that there will be a cabin or room that meets your interests. Prices are better with an earlier reservation.
You can purchase your stand to promote and / or sell your products. You can also promote and advertise your sporting event with a stand.